I have noticed my family may have a "grass is always greener" mentality of late. It seems each time we travel to our hometown, Oklahoma City, where my hubby grew up amongst all of his immediate family and all of whom still reside there, that we get a bit homesick and long to be back where it is comfortable.
We live in Tulsa now. Tulsa is far prettier, it's hillier, it's less windy, and allergens aren't quite so prevalent to our sensitive snoots as they were in the City.
We may move back soon. But until such time, I am trying to see a new side of Tulsa that I haven't seen yet.
I always seem to have one route, to the grocery store, to the post office, to a favorite park, and rarely do I venture away from the beaten path unless inspired by something shiny or on sale.
Yesterday I took my son to Mohawk Park, to visit the zoo for the zillionth time, and discovered a sign to the Oxley Nature Center right behind the zoo.
I was feeling frisky or something 'cause we followed that sign, parked the car, and actually got out to explore! It was a tangle of paths and trails to venture down and find critters and flora in abundance.
Granted, my son was quickly bored, as none of the creatures looked like the giraffe he was expecting to see when he awoke that morning, and without a stroller, those paths became more of an upper body workout of continuously lifting forty pounds up and down than a leisurely stroll, but it was a lovely day and grasshoppers zigged and zagged enough to amuse us for a little while.
We went into the actual nature center buildling and found out it had been there since 1977! Who knew?
Of course, we ended up at the zoo in short order, where we finally saw the giraffe as well as a litter of four brand new pot-bellied pigs. Too cute.
Who know what adventure we will find tomorrow??
Any suggestions, please let me know.
Below is a picture of what my son found interesting in the world. I have a whole series of things just like this, should anyone be interested. Thank goodness for digital cameras and their tireless memory cards.
I've always liked Tulsa more than OKC, but familiarity could be a cause. If you move away, all of Green Country will be saddened, and recognize a loss to our quality.